What is a Teahouse, a Tearoom, a Tea Space?
Answered simply, it can be said to be a place where people came together with each other, tea, and teaware and share in "tea time."
I find it interesting though that among tea lovers it is often said that "timelessness" is one of the most precious aspects of "tea time"!
Awesome, huh? This indicates that, for many, making (or taking) the time for tea allows for the experiential timeless. This is the end of one of infinite threads of contemplation available to a tea practitioner. Not to say that it leads anywhere conclusive, but that for those with a particular bent it might allow for a healthy expansion into deeper tea practice.
Examining timing is integral in learning the methods of tea brewing/presenting. An analogy for the study of tea ritual can be that of musical training. In learning a genre of music, much emphasis is placed on studying and practicing the rudiments of that form. Structure and repetition are essential to the progress of any serious student. Through patience and dedication the student becomes more familiar with the study and eventually, in some cases, embodies a timeless essence in their playing.
This can often be spoke of as "mastery".
The beauty of a masterful musician or tea practitioner is the natural embodiment of all of their rudimentary learning in the effortless display of their art, the essence of the study is housed and called upon in an unseen way as the performance/ceremony unfolds in a state of grace.